Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cuddling With Daddy

It doesn't happen very often, but every once in awhile the stars align. The sun is out, Ellie is in a cuddly mood, we don't have a million things to do, and the couch isn't buried under a pile of...stuff. And then you get moments like these.

It used to be that Ellie would fall asleep in our laps all the time. Then the day came when we wondered if it would ever happen again. And then it does.

And it is good.


Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

awwwwwww that is so sweet!!!

Anna said...

Oh so cuddly! Isn't it great?

Emily S. said...

such a sweet post! And what a great moment to catch on camera.

Loved it!!

Melanie said...

That's a pretty thick book for Ellie. She's a scholar already! (or is that why she was bored to sleep?) :)

Aurora Raine said...

Ahhh, I miss the cuddlies!

Emily said...

She is absolutely so sweet. I love those series of pictures. You should frame them all together :)