Tuesday, May 18, 2010


After some deliberation I decided Ellie needed a haircut last Semptember.

{wispy crazy}

{we did pigtails before the big chop}

So, I cut it. Yup, me! Came out pretty cute, too, if I do say so myself.

{we miss Grandma}

I've since trimmed it up a couple of times, and taken her to a real hairstylist to fix my mistakes a couple of times. Sometimes I wonder if she'll want to grow it out or if I made the right choice, but I like her little bob and it sure is easy to keep combed out!

It's kind of funny doing this almost a year later because her hair is so much fuller now. You'll see. I'll get there eventually.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness, those pigtails! She is such a beauty. Seriously.